Key Club Registration Process
In order to register for Key Club, there are a few steps to follow:
Step 1: Officially register and pay the $15 dues by October 27 (for Kiwanis and Key Club International) through SmartSchoolK12.
Go to and log-in or register (directions here).
Choose "Store and School Fees"
Choose "ERHS Key Club"
NOTE: Make sure to include your preferred email address as this is how we will be contacting you.
Step 2: Once you have registered through SmartSchool, keep up-to-date by coming to this website ( Here, you will have many different resources available to guide you through a successful year of being a Key Club member, such as:
About Key Club, including board members contact information.
Volunteer opportunities, including a calendar.
General meeting minutes/notes/presentations.
Step 3: Signup to get text reminders through Remind (text @ERHkeyclub to 81010)
Step 4 (Optional): Follow up on Twitter @ERHSKeyClubMN and/or on Instagram @eastridgekeyclub.